Meeting the content creation needs of the agriculture community.

I write a bi-monthly horse health blog post for new client Western Horseman magazine. Coming later this year my work will also appear in the print publication.

1.) Stall Rest (July 2024 horse health blog post) Stall Rest

2.) Secrets to Senior Ranch Horse Care (August 2024 health department article.)

3.) All About Abscesses (May 2024 horse health blog post) All About Abscesses

4.) Proper Care for Lacerations & Puncture Wounds (March 2024 horse health blog post.) Proper Care for Lacerations & Puncture Wounds

5.) Winter Horse Health Concerns (January 2024 horse health blog post.) Winter Horse Health Concerns

6.) Spring Maintenance Rituals (April 2024 feature.)

7.) Year-round Work (April 2024 horsemanship department article.)